aNATOmy of war - NATO bombing 1999 of Yugoslavia

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What do you do when your country is attacked and left with deep scars that are still healing?
1999 - It was the first time that NATO used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council and was against a sovereign nation that posed no real threat to any member of the alliance - which makes me wonder about the legitimacy of this attack.
    The illegal bombing destroyed and damaged houses, roads, bridges, etc. Many public buildings were damaged, including airports, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and cultural monuments. Not to mention the thousands of deaths, unnecessary deaths! All of this destruction was unnecessary.     There was a clear violation of international law !!! In 1999, the year of the attack, Kosovo was still a part of Yugoslavia and therefore the NATO campaign that was mainly supported by the US was illegitimate!     The bombing had nothing to do with the protection of albanians from Kosovo, which even today are more and more becoming puppets of the United States. They decided to bomb because Serbia wasn't subordinated to US neoliberal programs, and because it wasn't carrying out social and economic reforms that Americans much wanted.     The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was a "paramilitary organization" of ethnic Albanians who sought the separation of Kosovo from Yugoslavia. And in 1998 they were considered a terrorist organization by the US, but impressively in 1999 (when NATO decided to attack Serbia) they went from being terrorists to be financed by the CIA ... - 78 Days of continuous bombing, where supposedly three days would be sufficient by US accounts ...     The fact that there was violence on both sides of the confrontation (both by Kosovar Albanians and Serbs) was ignored by both government allies and by the Western media - which aroused public anger, focusing only on the atrocities caused by the Serbs and it was much less vocal about the abuse by Albanians.     No one should seriously promote the killing of civilians to protect the human rights of other civilians. Ordinary citizens are the biggest victims, cynically called "collateral damage !! With this I would like to remember the insolent attitude in relation to human victims, shown by the leaders of the bombings of NATO - from Madeleine Albright to Bill Clinton, and I have nothing else to say!!

The Bastille Day Terrorist Attack - Nice, Paris - MY OPINION

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             Have you ever felt like the most awful things that happen become natural? Do you feel like "another one? damn.." . Do you feel like you're getting used to all of this?
             Do you EVER feel like you're in one of those revolving dors but these ones don't have a way out? Well I do! Unfortunately I do...

Truck attack in Nice, many deaths and even more injured people. A man driving over children, families, mothers, leaving them running blood on the concrete floor. Going after those who were trying to run away; shoting at people nonstop! You're watching the fireworks and the next second you're being attacked without mercy, sad world.

We see attack after attack and we always seem to find an excuse besides looking at the core. Individuals commit bad acts. When individuals committing bad acts start singing from the same sheet music it's about time you look at the fucking sheet music. I don't have faith that those who control the policy conversation - or even the broader conversation - will allow that look to happen. We're living in the aftermath of the policies that enabled this, I doubt we're about to take a nice long critical look at it.

I guess what makes my heart ache in the wake of this tragedy is that there will be those who blame the West for this attack, there are those who would act as a shield for these terrorists by casting the innocent majority in front of the violent, and that there are those with the power to enact change to prevent this who just plain won't. Those are disgusting realities.

It's a fucked up situation, if we mass deport or start profiling, countless innocent people will suffer. If we let things stay as they are, countless people will suffer. It doesn't feel like there's a "right" approach to dealing with this.

Everyone wants to be PC and not hate on Muslims, but when this shit happens day after day by the same people, you have to see a correlation. Not all Muslims are bad, but you can't deny the religion (I'm not talking about Islam alone) has created some of the worst people.

I'm tired of saying #PrayFor(InsertCity). We really need to physically do something.

Another attack that will soon be "forgotten" by everyone. Real change will only happen when enough people remember the atrocities and react to them accordingly.

The government is supposed to work for the people, if we speak loudly enough they will hear us. Plato said: " One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. "

France is one of the biggest arms dealer on the planet, selling massive amounts of arms to countries like Saudi Arabia. This needs to STOP. Stop finacing these people, FIND YOUR OIL SOMEWHERE ELSE, stop being greedy for money! Stop arming the wrong ones.

This is not the world I want to live in, a greedy world. I surely can't cure all of this by myself, but something needs to change.

" Je suis sick of this shit "

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Há um mundo inteiro que está a ser afetado. De cada vez que deixamos de parte um lugar aqui e ali, vai-se um bocadinho mais da nossa humanidade. Quando é que os nossos líderes vão cortar o mal pela raiz, e não apenas acartar com as consequências e tentar "limpá-las" ? 
Quando acontece uma tragédia como esta dizem sempre que vamos estar todos unidos, pois juntos fazemos a força ... Infelizmente é mentira, pois continuamos bem separados. O terrorismo apenas existe porque tem alicerces para tal. Um jogo de interesses capitalistas, entre as potências que alimentam este terrorismo. Mostram-se chocados e de seguida estão de volta aos negócios. " Bem-vindos, não devemos fechar as fronteiras, nem intervir em hotspots extremistas porque isso seria racista, ou não devemos de intervir em radicalizações porque é contra a liberdade religiosa ". Sempre, sempre a repetir o mesmo sem agir à espera que não aconteça mais nada pior. Mas pronto, depois temos discursos dos líderes europeus de gravata, bem apresentados e tudo fica bem até à próxima tragédia. Infelizmente a sociedade é ingénua, onde ninguém quer admitir o facto de que estes ataques não são isolados, nem muito menos cometidos por apenas alguns extremistas.

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